Online Malayalam Academy founded in 2020

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Students tutored in the US over 4 years
Years of public school teaching experience in Kerala

Student Stories

My older daughter has been attending Saly teacher's classes for a few years. Saly's engaging sessions have boosted her interest in Malayalam. She's now confident in the language, reading and speaking comfortably during our recent India trip. My younger daughter has started picking up Malayalam basics by listening in. We can't wait for her to start classes with Saly teacher. Highly recommended for parents looking to teach their kids Malayalam!
CaliforniaLearner Stories

Elvina and Andrea really enjoyed the Malayalam class with Saly teacher. They always look forward for this class and it was a fun learning experience . They learned Malayalam reading and writing
TexasLearner Stories

My son Varun has been attending Madhuram Malayalam classes with Sally teacher for over a year now. He has learnt malayalam letters including vowels, consonants and symbols. Sally teachers technique of using "manglish" to connect with the kids is really effective. He recently sang a malayalam song in his class.

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